013: Six Actions that Lead to Success [PODCAST]

by | Jun 4, 2013 | 0 comments

Ever notice how some people find success and others do not? No matter the field or endeavor, some stand out and some fall back. What are the secrets of their success? In this podcast, I  share  six actions that always lead to success. These actions are not personality traits or things you cannot change about yourself, but they are things anyone can do. They are actions!

Note: Today I am doing the podcast very different. Instead of the usual 45 minute show, this one is about 18 minutes. I tell you why on the podcast – but now to the point of the show.

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Actions that Lead to Success

Here is a short summary  as discussed in the podcast.

1. Responsibility – Forget the victim lifestyle if you want success. Take responsibility 100% of the time.

2. Passion – This single ingredient is central to all success stories. Find it and feed it.

3. Vision – Where are you going and what does success look like to you? Define it.

4. Risk taking – Do something and take some action outside of your comfort zone. Some risks are stupid, but more on that on the audio.

5. Goals – Unlike vision, goals are specific and measurable.

6. Execution – All the above items are key, but then you have to execute on the plan.


[reminder]What am I missing? What other things do you see as key to success? [/reminder]

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[reminder]What am I missing? What other things do you see as key to success? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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