019: Leading from the Inside [Podcast]

by | Jul 23, 2013 | 0 comments

Can you find your dream job without quitting your current job? In today’s podcast we interview someone who proves it can happen. Paul McGuire, an IEM alumni, tells how he moved from a very technical position to become a corporate trainer leading others.

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If you are in a company and do not want to go it alone but still want to be living your dream, listen to Paul and learn:
– How he found his niche.
– How he started doing what he loved and it morphed into a new job.
– How he took some entrepreneurial activity and turned it inward to get noticed by his company.
– How he learned to operate in a very visible role as an introvert.
If you ask those who know Paul, they will tell you Paul has literally done a major transformation on his life in the past few years. He still works for the same company. He still works in the same building. But he has moved from the world of a techie to the world of a leader.

[reminder]If you could make an internal move in your company and be doing what you love, where would that be? [/reminder]


To start where Paul started, download the free ebook on finding your calling. 

Want to find options to the day job? Sign up to receive my blog posts via e-mail and get a copy of my e-book on FINDING YOUR CALLING FREE. 

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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