073: Growing Your Influence through Managing Your Contacts [Podcast]

by | Sep 9, 2014 | 0 comments

Building a network is one thing, managing your contacts is quite another. With so many platforms (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, email, etc) to keep up with, it is hard to reminder the last time I checked in with the key people in my network, much less what we said. But worse than that, I noticed that I would meet some great contact, and by the time I got back with them a year or more had past. The initial meeting and relationship had gone cold. Now I was working to rebuild the relationship. I was searching for some simple solution to keep up with it all. Then my mastermind group showed me Contactually.

Contactually Devices | Courtesy of Contactually[/featured-image]

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“Pull together contacts from LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and email!”]

Contactually is a powerful tool that helps me do some of the things I continually teach others to do. (For example in Networking for Introverts)

  • Develop key contacts that I want to grow and stay in touch with them.
  • Find ways to periodically add value to the lives of those key contacts.

Managing Your Contacts by Keeping Contact

In this interview with Brian Pesin of Contactually we discuss key principles for networking success.

  • The importance of systematizing your business
  • What a CRM is and what it can do for you/your business
  • A four step framework that professionals can use to stay relevant with the VIPs in their network.

“Contactually helps you follow up with the right people, at the right time, to maximize relationship ROI.”]

A Look at Contactually

[youtube id=”8SDZBDkjW5w”]


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[reminder]What challenges do you have managing your contacts? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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