How to Find a Job

092: How to Find a Job |Finding Hidden Opportunities [Podcast]

by | Mar 17, 2015 | 0 comments

Last week in Episode 91- Who is Hiring –  I talked about who is hiring. Today I will give you some detailed examples about how to find a job. These are real examples. And last I leave you with a few hints to find new opportunities in every conversation.

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“How to get a free career coaching session.  #careercoaching”] .

How to Find a Job

“Check out these real examples of jobs found when the company was NOT hiring. #findingajob”] .

Covered in the podcast today I will give you this information:

  • How finding a new job is like finding a customer.
  • Why you need to think like your customer.
  • Why the old method of sending a resume and responding to job ads does not work.
  • Examples:
    • How I got a job offer when they were not hiring.
    • How Frank got a job offer at a level he never expected.
    • How I found a sales job at a healthcare company.
    • How I found an engineering safety and quality job at a company who was not hiring.

Related Episodes:

“To find a job, think like your customer. What do they want to hear and where do they go? #findingajob”] .


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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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