109: Four Steps in Starting a Business with Debra Mastic [Podcast]

by | Sep 6, 2016 | 0 comments

Today I cover the four steps in starting a business. But, I am excited to be sharing these steps along with Debra Mastic – who took these steps to create her business and leave her day job in just a few months time.

This is so critical. So many times we listen to people tell us how to do things – but we doubt it will work for us. Debra doubted too, but she acted. She joined up for our business coaching and followed the steps even when she doubted. Today Debra has a  thriving business called Virtual Resume Coach.

The Right Steps in Starting a Business  (listen to the podcast for details about how Debra Mastic did these)

1. Discover Your Passion Before You Start a Business – No one wants to buy from someone who does not put their heart into what they do.

2. Define and Engage Your Ideal Customer

3. Create Products or Services for Your Business – Now that you have customers and have talked to them, listened, and used your experience, make an offer to SERVE them.

4. Create a Business Structure and Processes – for most – the processes and details come once money starts to flow. Listen and learn how and why.

Join us and listen to the four steps and how they were applied to Debra Mastic’s real business. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Virtual Resume Coach

Building Your Own Business

Podcast Details:

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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