Your Daily Routine for a Productive Job Search [Podcast]

133: Your Daily Routine for a Productive Job Search [Podcast]

by | Jul 16, 2019 | 0 comments

How can you make the best use of your day while on a job search?

If you are out of work, or about to be, you need a solid plan to make the best use of your day. After all, every day out of work costs you money.

I have had the honor of helping many professionals in job searches.

But I have noticed that most people on the search really do not know what to do.

How to make the best use of your day on a job search

Today I cover a step by step plan that has worked.

This plan will help you find a job faster, feel better, and be more in control while on the hunt.

>> [01:20] Calculate how much you are wasting per week not having a job. Get clear about the cost of your time.

>> [03:28] Take your first week to get clear on the goal. Do the Calling Exercise.

>> [06:05] Here is how Brian found his true calling and moved into a job he continues to love today.

>> [11:46] Now you start to schedule your day using Tiger Time.

>> [14:54] You need to get your blood pumping, you need to get some energy and to clear your mind. You need to get a little motivation.

>> [27:15] For 2.5 hours you need to be making real contact with real people. Here is how to do it.

Click here to listen now.

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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