Four Obstacles KeepingYou from Starting YourOwn Business

110: How to Overcome the Four Obstacles Keeping You from Starting Your Own Business [Podcast]

by | Sep 13, 2016 | 0 comments

There are four obstacles keeping you from starting your own business. In all my coaching of business startups, these four continue to show up keeping would be business owners from starting their own business. Today I will examine the fours issues – and in the next few weeks I will provide you with the common steps I have seen work for others – as well as for me – to get past these obstacles.

“Winning is finding the obstacles in your way and then how to overcome them. #entrepreneur #obstacles”]

While other issues are often talked about – fear of the unknown, insecurity, financial situation, and family conflicts – I find the ones that show their ugly head are really about how we think about business.

Thee Four Posts To Help with the Details

  1. I do not have enough money to start
  2. I have no idea about what to do
  3. I cannot charge for that
  4. I do not have any time

In this podcast we address these subjects and attempt to debunk them. But, in the next few weeks I will give you practical plans to literally kill these obstacles and get started in building your own business.

Join and listen to learn how to overcome the four obstacles keeping you from starting your own business. 

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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