

Some of my favorite resources to learn, be productive, and make money!


These tools I use daily to keep me on track. I open them up first thing in the morning and use them all day long.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?


File sharing across devices and people. I use this to share files with teams. Almost replaces all my hard drive needs. The only thing I do not keep on Dropbox are things that need to be very secure.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?


While I tend to use Dropbox for most stuff, I sill want backups. Carbonite is the tool for me. I do not have to think about it – it just works.



Evernote has replaced a lot of Word documents, sticky notes, and misc other notes. I track all kinds of things in Evernote. One of the best things is that is allows me to capture PDFs so that they are integrated across devices and I can add notes.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is my goto calendar. It allows you to have multiple calendars you can turn on or off and share with others. While the university uses Exchange and allows me to interact, other teams I take part in do not have access to the university system. So goole was my choice.



Nozbe is based on the best selling productive book Getting Things Done by David Allen. Integrates with mobile phone, computer, and iPad. When I learn or think of something I need to do, I immediately add it to Nozbe and then forget about it.

The Good: I never forget anything again.

The Bad: I have no excuse for forgetting anything.

Web and eCommerce Tools

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?


While a lot of people like Bluehost (and they are great), I have had wonderful success with Inmotion. Quick support that have pulled me out of a pickle many times.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?


BigCommerce has been a great tool for us for online commerce. Their support is SUPERIOR! You can call them and they answer the phone and know what they are doing! If you are looking at ecommerce I strongly suggest you do a free trial! You do not even have to put in your credit card for the trial!