Speaking Engagements

Dale Callahan

When you hire a speaker to give a presentation at your event, you want someone that will deliver a motivating presentation that provides tangible tools your audience can start using that day.

I can do that for you.

As the Director of a graduate degree program, I know all about providing presentations that give people tangible action steps to take away. I am passionate about inspiring people and sharing with them information they likely did not already know. I believe that everyone is an entrepreneur—whether they work for themselves, or for another company. The leadership skills, innovation, creativity, and self-motivation needed to be an entrepreneur translates exactly into the skill set you need to climb any corporate ladder.

The result of entrepreneurial thinking on the job is enormous. People are happier and more productive. They feel in control of their career. But for the employer it is even more powerful. Entrepreneurial employees become connected to what the core of the business is and they actively seek ways to impact the business in a positive way.

If your organization needs to be inspired to take control, let me help you get started.

Thanks for considering me!

Podcast Episodes

Satisfied Clients

Speaking Engagements

Cups Of Coffee

What You Can Expect

1. Prompt and professional attention to you and your event.

2. One-on-one consultation with me and/or my team to make sure we deliver the needs of your audience.

3. An announcement about your event in my social media and blog. (Assuming your event is public, of course.)

4. Quick responses to questions you have.

5. A custom resource page, exclusively created for your attendees. It will include the slides I used in the presentation, along with links to books, articles, and other resources I believe will be helpful.

About Me

I have been a faculty member of entrepreneurship and director of the executive graduate program Information Engineering and Management since 2000. I have been a frequent speaker at business, corporate, and association functions.

I think differently about work. After all, the name of my book is Resumes are Worthless! While I have a few standard talking topics, I often speak on the real view of work and how people can move from the over 50% of people who hate their work to those few who love what they do!

While I will use PowerPoint or other visual tools at times, I tend to steer away from the stale view of using PowerPoint talking topics. I prefer to engage the audience; dealing with their particular needs as opposed to a canned talk of one size fits all.

I commit to contact you before the event so I can better understand how to serve you and your audience. I usually seek to know the following about your audience:

  • How many people?
  • What are the general demographics?
  • What brings them together at this event?
  • What are the biggest concerns they have? Perhaps this is known from the biggest concern the group has as it represents the individuals.
  • Any recent news or events that impact or interest the group.

I am a blogger, a podcaster, and an author of the book “Resumes are Worthless”

I live in Birmingham Alabama with my wife Lea. We have four children, and two grandchildren.

My Most Requested Topics


Networking for Introverts

All opportunities come through other people. Yet, most people are introverts and have no skills in networking. Teach your staff the skill of networking and finding opportunities and you will expand your sales staff dramatically. In this talk, Dale describes basics skills and specific steps that can turn the most introvert person into a powerful networking machine.

How to Find Your Calling

Success starts with deciding what matters to you. Resumes Are Worthless Resumes and other myths about your career. Company of One How to think like an entrepreneur and harness the very real success of that mindset. Reverse Interview 5 job offers in 30 days with no resumes.

Becoming a Company of One

In this talk Dale brings the audience to understand that we are all entrepreneurs. Even those who work for large companies each operate as a single company inside the larger. The result of this training has turned around people, groups, divisions, and in some cases entire companies as they start to understand the customers they serve and how  each person adds value to the corporation

Previous Engagements

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  • Networking for Project Managers, Columbus PMI, September 12, 2013
  • Networking for Success, UAB School of Nursing Faculty half-day workshop, UAB Organizational Learning and Development, August 27, 2013
  • Networking for Engineers, UAB Engineering Alumni, August 16, 2013 a Company of One, UAB Organizational Learning and Development, June 11, 2013
  • Finding Your Calling, UAB Organizational Learning and Development, May 21, 2013
  • The Number 1 Career Killer, Project Management Institute (PMI) Columbus, GA, May 2, 2013
  • Networking for Introverts, UAB Organizational Learning and Development, April 23, 2013
  • Entrepreneurship, Hoover Library Event, March 11, 2013
  • Networking for Introverts, Project Management Institute (PMI) Central Mississippi, February 19, 2013
  • When to Quit Your Day Job, Hoover Library Event, February 18, 2013
  • Networking for Introverts, Project Management Institute (PMI) Baton Rouge, January 17, 2013
  • Networking for Introverts, Project Management Institute (PMI) New Orleans, January 16, 2013
  • Your Company of One, IEEE Alabama Chapter, January 7, 2013
  • Networking for Introverts, Project Management Institute (PMI) Nashville Chapter joint Training Session, December 1, 2012
  • Networking for Introverts, Volkert Management Training Session, November 28, 2012
  • Networking for Introverts, Project Management Institute (PMI) Memphis Chapter, November 14, 2012
  • Networking for Introverts, Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) Atlanta Chapter, October 18, 2012
  • Becoming a Company of One, Keynote, AETA (Alabama Educational Technology Association) Conference, October 1, 2012
  • How to Uncover Hidden Opportunities, Hoover Library, July 16, 2012.
  • Fox 6 News WBRC, Monday July 16, 2012
  • Fox 6 News WBRC, Friday July 13, 2012
  • Your Professional Legacy, Keynote, IAAP Annual Board Meeting, June 22, 2013
  • Alabama Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America – May 8,2012
  • The National Society of Leadership and Success — Induction Ceremony – April 20, 2012
  • American Society of Civil Engineers – Auburn Feb 28, 2012
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)  – UAB Feb 1, 2012
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)  – UAH Jan 30, 2012
  • Fortis Institute – 2012 Commencement Address – Jan 27, 2012
  • Becoming a Company of One, Alpha Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity – University of Alabama Nov 28, 2011
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)  – UAB Nov 10, 2011
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – UAB Oct 17, 2011

If your organization needs to be inspired to take control, let me help you get started.

What Others Are Saying

Dale does a wonderful job explaining, motivating and detailing how one can take their career and accelerated to higher levels through the process of understanding the concept of “Company of One”.

Reuben Martinez-Raposo Moreno

Product Manager, McKesson Enterprise Intelligence, Owner of Raposos Gourmet & Tapas

Dale Callahan is a true visionary when it comes to finding work you love. He shows you different methods to creating your “Company of One.” Dale gets you to think like a “C” level employee, and shows you that your true calling is not as far away as you may think. Anyone who is interested in changing careers, finding work they love, or learning how to create a lasting brand should read his book or hear him speak.

Chase Wright

Resource Analyst, CTS, Inc. and Co-founder of StartUp Birmingham

Callahan challenges you to step out of your cubical-walled professional way of life. He teaches you how to develop and become CEO for your own Company of One – imagine that! One key thought he details is determination of your own value at present. Learning this Me Value was a huge wake up call for me. His book is full of light bulb and ah-ha moments because Callahan too has been in that cubical-walled state of dull-drum and understands the desire to find your passion. What I was most impressed with is the fact that Callahan “gets” the introverted crowd. He’s not just talking to the extroverts – he’s talking to us “innies” as well! I highly recommend Dale; conquer each day alert to finding work that you love to do and succeeding at it.


The “Company of One” is a different take on today’s job market. Typically we are all taught to look at open jobs and then concentrate on gaining the skills we need to compete for those jobs. Dr. Callahan completely flips this upside down. He challenges you to discover what you are truly passionate about and then pushes you to make a career out of your passion. Life is just too short to work at a job you hate.

Jason Carter

Professional RAN Engineer, AT&T

Dale is one of the exceptional individuals that can see just how much our world has recalibrated and he works hard to help others in our profession, and the students headed into our profession, understand this change. It is a thankless task but an important one. Callahan brings a great new angle to how business professionals must not only take a new look (and responsibility) for their career, they must prepare differently.

Glenn S. Phillips

President and Sr. Consultant, Forte' Incorporated

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration by injected humour.”

Eduard Ungureanu

Tech Support, Elegant Themes

I’m really glad I met Dale Callahan and would recommend his career coaching to anyone looking to improve their situation. Dale is also a dependable and trustworthy person and I hold him in high confidence and esteem. His worldview and sense of humor have always been a source of encouragement and inspiration to me. I firmly believe that Dale will make a long lasting, positive impact on many people.

Chris Lumpkin

Network Engineer and ASP Specialist III, ADP Dealer Services

Working with Dale has been an extraordinary learning experience. He is a genuine visionary and the kind of leader who says “this is what we must do because it best serves our clients” and “this is how we must do it because it’s the right way to do it.” He approaches everything with humility and a sense of humor and, in the process, helps people get a better understanding of themselves and the possibilities open to them. Dale has been Director of the IEM Program since its beginning in 2000 and he has built it into one of the most innovative programs of its kind. I’m just thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Dale and also to call him a friend. He is an amazing guy.

Don Appleby

Senior Systems Engineer, Mainline Information Systems

You are a company of one. You must operate as your own company because, in today’s economy, the actual company that you work for could fold at any time. While Dale speaks about every aspect of managing your company of one, the most important part, in my opinion, is that you must find passion. Whatever drives you must be tapped into for you to become a successful company. Self evaluation never stops.

Bryan Chatman

Analyst, LG Electronics

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