What Sets Apart the Winners From the Losers?

by | Jul 5, 2011 | 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what sets apart the winners from the losers?

What one key attribute makes the difference?

Is it education?

Is it money?

Are we born with it?


I think you know that it is NONE OF THE ABOVE.


What about Passion?

Other say PASSION is the key.

Well – I agree with passion – except I have also met passionate people who are driven by a purpose – but never seem to get anywhere.

They are all talk and continually try to convince other people to act on their causes.

I know of several people who are passionate about causes to serve and yet nothing ever happens.

Why not?

Because nothing ever happens! They never take action on their ideas. And they always seem to have some great excuse as to why they have not acted.


Action is Key

Action is the key. People who succeed take action. Companies that make it in the market take action.

So take action!

– Seek out a purpose to serve.

– Decide what action to take.

– Take it!!!

No excuses allowed.

— If you do not have the money – get it. If it does not seem to come – find some way to start with nothing! Zappos shoes started with nothing and sold for over $800 million.

— If you do not have the time – learn how to take control of your time and set your priorities. Busy people seem to make more happen.

— If you do not have the expertise – get it. Either learn it, find a partner, or fake it if you have to.


Take action. Most of us sit on the sidelines waiting for the right moment to act. The moment is now!

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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