I Love My Job

027: I Love My Job – Interview with Sally Murray or Atlanta Egoscue [Podcast]

by | Sep 17, 2013 | 0 comments

This week I have Sally Murray as a guest. Sally is one of those rare people who found her calling early, so now she can truly say “I love my job”. She is owner of the Egoscue Clinic in Atlanta. I have been a client of Sally’s for about 18 months, and have found her to be someone who fell in love with what she was doing so much so that she bought into the company as a franchise owner. I wanted you to not only hear another example of someone who loves their work, but also some of the modern models of healthcare that you find in the Egoscue Method.

Photo courtesy of Sally Murray – Egoscue [/featured-image]

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Before we got into the interview, I asked Sally to talk a bit about Egoscue and what they do. You can find more information at the Egoscue Website

Most people who seek help from Egoscue suffer from

  • arthritis,
  • migraine or other headaches,
  • backaches,

or other issues and have been told there is nothing wrong or surgery is needed, these guys are worth a shot.

How She Found her Calling

Sally gives a great description of finding her calling and how she fell into what she loved. The key I think, is that she first rejected the idea of what Egoscue did and taught. Being from a medical family, she felt like Egoscue was a gimmick. We often close our eyes to opportunity, because we refuse to explore new ideas. Fortunately, Sally explored.


How does the Cubicle Life Impact Your Health

I personally have had a long string of medical issues resulting from stress. Most were not medical issues at all, but various pain and symptoms over the years resulted in many  doctor visits – usually to be told nothing was wrong with me. I have seen many others who live in the cubicle world end up with aches and pains that are never diagnosed. I am connived many are related to stress and posture. In this interview, Sally tells how she sees people who have come to her because of underlying symptoms that might be related to the fact that they hate their job.

I have found when I encounter people who love their work, they are engaging and fun to be around. Sally is one of those people.


Episode Resources

In this episode I mentioned some resources, including:

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Your Feedback

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[reminder]Would you like to hear from others like Sally who love their work? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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