How to Find a job with a Startup

028: How to Find a Job in a Startup Company [Podcast]

by | Sep 24, 2013 | 0 comments

Do you want to start your own business and live as an entrepreneur? Are you afraid you do not know the ropes enough to get started? Or would you just rather get a job in a startup company so you can be more where the action is and feel less like a cog-in-the-wheel? Startup companies are loaded with opportunity, but you have to know how to find the opportunity and how to present yourself as someone who can deliver.

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Finding a job at a startup is not like finding any old job. It is a search that will take you to places most people never see. Looking for an adventure?

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Steps to Finding an Opportunity

Many startups will tell you they are not hiring, but that is a lie. Startups are hungry to hire, even if they do not know it! On the podcast I share some ways you can find a job in a startup company.

Outline of the Podcast

  • Why work for a startup?
    • You will be close to the action. This means you will learn a lot more than working for a larger company where you have a single role.
    • You will be close to the leaders. Unlike working for a Fortune 100, you will know the CEO as a personal friend and co-worker.
    • Opportunities. Working at a startup will rarely pay as much as a larger company, but you will never get a huge win working for a Fortune 100. In a startup, you can win and win big by growing your salary as the company grows as well as reaping financial rewards when it is acquired.
  • Where to find startups
    • Angel and venture capital groups
    • Incubators and accelerator programs
    • Attorneys and CPAs
    • Associations and groups that focus on entrepreneurship. One example would be the Nashville Technology Council.
  • How to get an introduction to meet the leader
    • Listen to them talk
    • Take a tour of their facilities
    • Work with their leaders on a project
    • Ask for advice
  • Find their pain – Often this is a revenue and sales issue, but look carefully to see what is their big pain. They may not know.
  • Examine their financial runway – How long can they go before they are broke? Are they spending money wisely?
  • How can you help? Make a pitch.
  • Negotiating a win-win proposal
    • Does working for equity make sense?
Startups are often very tight with money, for good reason. But, they also are often action oriented. So you might find the above process takes days (or even hours), but be prepared for a process that takes months.

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[reminder]Do you have one of these groups in your town? Send me a link in the comments. [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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