204: Are You the Burger Flipper or the Boss [Podcast]

204: Are You the Burger Flipper or the Boss [Podcast]

So, are you the burger flipper or the boss? This is a question I ask my kids often. If you are a burger flipper, you do not have to think much. You just wait and do what you are told. You can be totally unengaged in your work. If you are the boss, you have 10,000...

200: My Most Popular Podcast Episodes [Podcast]

200: My Most Popular Podcast Episodes [Podcast]

My Most Popular Podcast Episodes tell a story. The story is not about me, but more about you. What topics catch your attention? What are you most interested in hearing from me? What are you struggling with? Where do you want answers or insight? My Most Popular Podcast...

199: Waiting on Leadership [Podcast]

199: Waiting on Leadership [Podcast]

Waiting on leadership to show up and take action can be one of the most frustrating issues in corporate America. More frustrating than a bad tyrant of a boss is the absent boss. At least with that tyrant, you might learn what to expect. When absent and you are waiting...

198: Make Money Online [Podcast]

198: Make Money Online [Podcast]

Make money online will help you see the quick and dirty methods of getting started in a side hustle without spending much (or any) money. The video from the presentation is below. Make Money Online - Outline 1. Find an idea How to find a simple idea that fits you. 2....

197: How Much Should I Be Spending on my Business [Podcast]

197: How Much Should I Be Spending on my Business [Podcast]

How much should I be spending on my business? Like all other things in life, modern businesses tend to overspend, Especially small businesses that are not making money yet.  I constantly am running into startups who are "investing" money to help the business grow....

193: Using Love as a Business Strategy [Podcast]

193: Using Love as a Business Strategy [Podcast]

Using love as a business strategy might seem like a strange title - especially coming from an engineer. Generally speaking we technical people are pretty much just the facts. The talk of soft skills and focusing on people makes me squeamish - so to start talking about...

192: Multiple Streams of Income [Podcast]

192: Multiple Streams of Income [Podcast]

Want multiple streams of income? How would it feel not to be 100% dependent on just your day job income? Today we want to dive into streams of income that others use to smooth out the edges as things get rough - and in 2020, everybody needs multiple streams of income!...

191: My Reading List for 2020 [Podcast]

191: My Reading List for 2020 [Podcast]

My Reading List for 2020 is a collection of ideas around the topics of success, money, work, time management, and how to think apart from the crowd. All in no particular order. My Reading List for 2020 Atomic Habits The Greatest Salesman in the World The Compound...

190: How to Deal with a Setback [Podcast]

190: How to Deal with a Setback [Podcast]

How to deal with a setback... That is a question we all encounter from time to time. Setbacks look like a lot of things: Job loss Project failed Demoted Did not get the job you hoped for How to Deal with a Setback Own it - take 100% responsibility. Placing the blame...

189: It’s All About the Money [Podcast]

189: It’s All About the Money [Podcast]

When it comes to your financial success at work, it is all about the money. Yet,  in the United States, over 70% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck - barely making enough to make it through the month. I can only assume this is true of most other countries...

184: Adjusting Your Goals Midyear [Podcast]

184: Adjusting Your Goals Midyear [Podcast]

Adjusting Your Goals Midyear? So, we are at the halfway point of 2020. Wow-what a crazy year. Some of you have suffered. Loss of income, furloughs, a decline in business. Others have prospered powerfully. So this is a great time to rethink 2020. What has changed? What...

181: How To Become More Valuable To Your Boss  [Podcast]

181: How To Become More Valuable To Your Boss [Podcast]

Become more valuable to your boss in just a few simple steps. If you followed the last podcast, How To Calculate How Valuable You Are To Your Boss, you can now learn how to make that data work for you so that you can become more valuable to your boss. If you have not...

179: 17 Ways to Market Yourself [Podcast]

179: 17 Ways to Market Yourself [Podcast]

17 Ways to Market Yourself. Yes, I said market yourself. As we move through the four roles of your Company of One model (See Episode 174: Grow Your Own Company of One) we are now focused on your CMO or your Chief Marketing Officer. You might notice some overlap -...