Using Love as a Business Strategy

193: Using Love as a Business Strategy [Podcast]

by | Sep 15, 2020 | 0 comments

Using love as a business strategy might seem like a strange title – especially coming from an engineer. Generally speaking we technical people are pretty much just the facts. The talk of soft skills and focusing on people makes me squeamish – so to start talking about loving your customer is really a leap – for me anyway.

Over the past few months, I keep hearing pastors talk about being called to love one another. Yes, if you look that up in the Bible – you might find it a time or two – so not really a surprise to hear it. But perhaps I just now have started to hear it clearly. So I have been thinking – what does this mean for me as a university faculty and business owner.

We have been talking a lot about this inside the business – so much that “love the customer” is becoming a theme.

Using Love as a Business Strategy

Loving the customer means…

  1. Loving your customer means knowing your customer.
  2. Loving your customer means tuning into their frustrations and needs.
  3. Loving your customer means treating them like you would want to be treated.
  4. Loving your customer means people come first.

Some observations

  1. We like them more.
  2. Sales are up.
  3. Everyone is happier serving them.
  4. Loving them does not mean they want it for free.


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Dale Callahan

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