How to deal with a setback

190: How to Deal with a Setback [Podcast]

by | Aug 25, 2020 | 0 comments

How to deal with a setback…

That is a question we all encounter from time to time.

Setbacks look like a lot of things:

  • Job loss
  • Project failed
  • Demoted
  • Did not get the job you hoped for

How to Deal with a Setback

  1. Own it – take 100% responsibility. Placing the blame is great – but it takes you out of control. You have become a victim, and you cannot change the circumstances. We want to blame others because
    1. Politics
    2. Discrimination
    3. Stupidity
    4. Relationship issues
  2. Write down the thoughts  – How do you feel. 
    1. I lost this job and will never get another good job again.
    2. I was overlooked for the promotion because they found me out – I have hit my peak.
    3. Since I am [black, white, male, female] I will never get ahead in this [industry/company]
  3. Write down the reality – What is more likely the truth.
    1. I got this job, can get another. I know more now. I am more valuable.
    2. I have learned more and can do more – if I want to. Do I?
    3. Others who are [black, white, male, female] have done remarkable things in this [industry/company]  – so can I.
  4. What has this failure offered you?
    1. Freedom to explore
    2. Opportunity to reset
    3. Get some training.
  5. Improve the situation – Define some steps you can do to improve the situation
    1. Job loss – Stop and define what you want now. This setback is a chance to reset.
    2. Overlooked
      1. Get my head in gear and ask for mentorship and help from my leadership. I must be missing something.
      2. Congratulate the person who got the job over me. I might be their boss soon!
    3. Failed project – What can I do to improve on the situation? Get the team together to come up with a plan.

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Dale Callahan

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