Thankful for the Gift

Be Thankful for the Gift

by | Nov 28, 2013 | 0 comments

Today is a celebration for those living in the United States. A day of giving thanks and being thankful for the gift we have been given. As you go about today, be thankful for what you have been given. But as you are thankful, I would like to ask you search and find one other thing you have been given which you may have missed.

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons/Vox Efx [/featured-image]

You will find this gift (or possibly a multitude of gifts) as you visit with family and friends today and tomorrow and even as you might visit with them over football games  over  this extended weekend.

What Value Do You Add to Them?

Listen for the special talents your friends and family see in you.

What do they ask you advice about?

What do they want you to tell them?

When you start talking about a subject, do they stop and listen? What is the subject?


Where Do They Add Value to You?

At the same time, each person you visit with adds some special value to you beyond their family and friendship. What unique talents do they possess that you find appealing? What do you learn from them? Perhaps you should tell them.


Be Thankful for the Gift

Today is a time to be thankful for everything. But especially, as you are looking to new adventures and ventures in 2014, listen carefully for those natural talents and skills you and others have been given. Perhaps today is a day to be thankful for those hidden treasures you have never noticed or have never put to work to serve others.

These talents just might be your profitable passions.

Be thankful for the gift.


[reminder]Have a wonderful day of being thankful!  [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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