
Goals in 2010

I have been working for a few days looking back at my 2009 company results and looking forward to my 2010 goals. Have you set new goals - or perhaps dusted off your old ones? The results of this time of reflection have been somewhat bittersweet. The company's...

What kind of business should I start?

This video is about helping you determine what kind of business you should start. The key - finding your passion - something that sounds simple but can be a big search. [youtube id="BPhFuzC-ZEc"] Here are the questions referred to in the video that YOU need to...

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

What do you want? Watch this video and then try to answer this question about your work. I dare you. Then tell me - was it easy to answer?   [youtube id="_70kWCj6rbw"]   [reminder]Was this question easy to answer for you?[/reminder]

How to prepare for a successful career?

Twelve years of school. This is where most of us really start our careers and prepare to enter the job market. In theory, twelve years of basic education prepares us for our career or entrepreneurial ventures – but in most instances all it does is prepare us for...

Teach Your Employees to Be Self-Employed

It seems that not a week goes by that I am not approached for advice on starting a business. Usually, the person asking is a professional who is working comfortably in the corporate workforce. They have an 8-5 job and a fairly stable paycheck – but are filling a lack...

Another version of insanity

The other day I heard a commercial state "We are all working harder and making less." Is that not backwards? Shouldn't we be working less and making more? If you are working harder and making less - then do something else. That may sound obvious - but lately I am...

Who thinks less of me than me?

As I’m heading to one of my coaching meetings, I have noticed that the single common denominator of each persons struggle - almost without exception - is themselves -  they are their own worst enemy. They undersells their own accomplishment and ability. They thinks...

Five Actions to Show Your Value at Work

Five Actions to Show Your Value at Work

[featured-image single_newwindow="false"] Can you show your value at work? What value do you add to your company? How do you either bring in income or generate savings? Are these numbers bigger than the salary they pay you? I ask these questions often and get a...