Mistakes We All Make

by | Mar 9, 2012 | 0 comments

I spent the last few days in New Orleans at Growco – and wanted to share some things I learned. As I listened and participated, I could not help but think of you and how what was being said applies to all of us.


First, in case you are not familiar with Growco, it is a conference for entrepreneurs and the focus is on company growth. Speakers including Bill Clinton, Daymond John of Shark Tank, as well as many other successful entrepreneurs and the INC staff. But even better than the speakers, is being in a room with energetic entrepreneurs of all types from all over the country. If you can attend one in the future, well worth it!

Key Concepts

Some learning points at the conference and how it applies to us as a Company of One.

  • CONCEPT: Each speaker seemed to have many failures along the way. They just kept trying new things. Daymond in particular had a massive string of screw-ups on his way to create the FUBU brand. His persistence alone seems to have pulled it off.
  • APPLICATION: We need to accept that some things will NOT work, in fact we should expect it. If you can accomplish easily everything you are shooting for without setbacks, you are shooting way too low!
  • CONCEPT: Try new things FAST. Long cycles to try new ideas are no longer acceptable. The world moves faster, and this allows us to test ideas faster. Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup, pointed to a failed software application he built. He said after thousands of lines of code, no one looked at it. He could have just as easily tested the idea with zero lines of code and had the same result.
  • APPLICATION: Want to move to a new career model? Why waste years and money on education and certifications? How can you jump in from where you are and test the idea. Do it now.
  • CONCEPT: Find what you love and go after it – no matter what. One participant working with me at my table told me how he wanted to work for a company – but they would not hire him. So he hung around the lobby everyday and did what he could. Eventually someone put him in a closet/office to get him out of the lobby. One day the company owner found out he did not even have a job. The owner told his manager, “if you do not hire this guy, you are crazy.” And they did.
  • APPLICATION: Duh – just go do it. Everyone is hiring, it is up to you to go show value and determination.
  • CONCEPT: You ARE the brand. Daymond pointed out that when people walk out to pitch their idea on Shark Tank, that is the first time the team has seen them. He said “We size them up in the first 30 seconds before they open their mouths.”
  • APPLICATION: This point is definitely about you too! You must remember people are ALWAYS watching and judging you. How are you dressed now? Are you whining to others when you think no one is watching? What do others think about when they see you?

I know this is nothing new. And that, my friends, is always the case. Sound advice and practices never change much. You already know what to do – do it!

Oh yes, as a patriot, here was my favorite quote when President Clinton was being asked about China economically burying the USA:

“Trying to bury America is like trying to play whac-a-mole.”


About the Author

Dale Callahan

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