007: Three Challenges of Network Marketing | Solutions to the Challenges [PODCAST]

by | Apr 23, 2013 | 0 comments

Networking marketing attracts a lot of people who are interested in entrepreneurship. The idea of having a system is really appealing, since for many start-ups the lack of system and product puts them into a tailspin of not knowing what to do first.

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Yet, with all the promise of network marketing offering a great system and product, people seem to flounder. Every time I have been approached by a network marketer, their sales technique was very weak and actually turned me off to the company, and in some instance, the person trying to sell me.

In today’s show, I explore three challenges or questions most people have before they get into network marketing, as well as some tips to make the process work better.

Three Questions You Need to Answer Before You Get Into Network Marketing

Q: Can a person of faith do Network Marketing?

Opinions vary on this widely. We explore this question on the show considering the pros/cons of this form of business.

Q: Can I do network marketing without people hating me?

We all know that people hate the normal network marketing sales pitch. Is there another option?

Q: Am I committed to work and learn for a period of time?

Perhaps more important here is what will I learn and from who? Much of the training by network marking companies misses the mark of basic sales and business operations.


Noted in the show:

Reading list for the Entrepreneur



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Dale Callahan

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