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021: How to Get a PhD [Podcast]

by | Aug 6, 2013 | 0 comments

Have you ever considered a PhD? Recently I have found myself answering a lot of questions from those considering how they too can put “doctor” in their title.

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I tell people the magic to getting the PhD is to understand and master the process.

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In this episode I share with you the basics of getting the PhD.

  1. Reasons to consider a PhD
  2. The outline of the typical PhD process
  3. The truths of the PhD process
  4. A method to complete the PhD in record time

The PhD can really be done without giving up your life, when you learn how to play the game.

PhD Process Key Ingredient

In your very first term as a graduate student, do the following:

  • Define your topic
  • Do your literature review
  • Write the first paper of background material and submit to a peer-reviewed conference
  • Write the proposal
  • Form the committee

Want to learn more about the PhD?

Sign up here to get a FREE copy of my article on The PhD Process! This article tells you the true steps you need to take to be successful in the PhD world.

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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