Boost Conference on Leadership

060: Five Takeaways from Boost Leadership Conference [Podcast]

by | Jun 10, 2014 | 0 comments

Last week I went to Dallas to assist Michael Nichols with the Boost Leadership Conference. It was a great time to connect with him and others (most who are part of my mastermind group), but in the conference I learned a few things about leadership and relationships. I thought I would share some of my take-aways with you.

Michael Nichols with Dennis and Shelby Scheidt – You Have More to Give[/featured-image]

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Five Things I Took Away from Boost Leadership Conference

  1. Leaders Connect and Collaborate with Others
    • Leaders seek council ““No one ever arrives at a place where they never need wise council.” @JonMilligan”]
    • Leaders surround themselves with others who are moving in the same direction.
      ““Surround yourself with other wise people heading in the same direction.” @JonMilligan “]
      ““You’re the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.” Jim Rohn”]
    • Leader are more interesting by being interested in others.
      “As a leader, you can speak to thousands at once, but you can only listen to one at a time.” @JonMilligan]
      ““PIE: Be PRESENT, be INTERESTED, be ENCOURAGING” @JonMilligan “]
  2. Leaders Intentionally Grow Their Capacity
    • It is not about learning more information, but about more execution.  ““Information does not produce results, execution gets results.”@DennisMcIntee”]
    • Grow your capacity by seeking feedback. You can only change what you can see. You need constructive feedback to SEE what you are doing.
    • Ask better questions. “”The quality of your life is the quality of the questions you ask yourself!” @DennisMcIntee “]
  3. Leaders Make a Plan and Act
    • Be willing to share your plans with others. ““People often hide their goals from those who would encourage them along the way.” @jeffgoins”]
    • Create new habits slowly.  ““Immerse yourself in it 30 minutes per day – create a new habit.” @JeffGoins”]
    • Take small steps toward your goal.  ““It is not about taking a leap, it is about starting.” @JeffGoins”]
  4.  Leaders Have a Plan for Their Personal Lives (a personal plan or life plan)
    • A plan helps you focus your time and money.
    • Benefits of a personal plan:
      • Get a solid foundation,
      • Get a better understanding of yourself,
      • Live with focus,
      • Stay on track.
    • When you have a plan, you can give more!  “”You have more to give.” @MichaelENichols”]
    • You have more to give. Remember the Titans – Death Crawl
  5. Step Out and Offer to Help Others
    “Step out to help others, and you will provide immense value to yourself”] 

[reminder]Have you ever stepped out to give and found you got more than you gave? [/reminder]

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[reminder]Have you ever stepped out to give and found you got more than you gave? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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