Ship It - The Critical Sales Path

088: Ship It – The Critical Sales Path [Podcast]

by | Feb 17, 2015 | 4 comments

One of the biggest challenges with new businesses is they are slow to start. Once the decision is made – you must get products on the market as soon as possible. Seth Godin uses the term “SHIP IT” often. Seth is trying to say “It will never be perfect, you must ship product. Here in this audio and video I will walk you through the common sales path, I call the critical sales path, showing you how new companies really put products on the market and improve them along the way.

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Key Messages

  • Sales are the CRITICAL part of the business
  • Processes and products should evolve with sales
  • No sales = no business

Two Major Failures in Business

  1. Trying to get perfect processes before you start.
  2. Never improving the processes after you start.

Steps in the Critical Sales Path

  • 1st Sale – Critical to create momentum
  • 2nd Sale – Keep it going
  • 10th sale – you are beginning to learn what your customers REALLY want
  • 100th sale – Start thinking about processes

“People cannot buy what you do not have for sale. “]



[vimeo id=”118494611″ height=”420″ width=”680″]

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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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  1. Frederick Clark

    Excellent topic and great analysis, Dale. Thank you a lot.

  2. Dale Callahan

    Thanks Frederick.

  3. Justin Perkins

    Very helpful tools for any entrepreneur
    and young business owner. Thanks Dale!

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