How to finally get things done

121: How to Finally Get Things Done [Podcast]

by | Nov 29, 2016

One thing we all have in common is that we all want to learn how to finally get things done. No matter position, title, or role – we never have enough time to really get the big items done. I can claim no particular expertise or success here. I struggle just like you. But, I have found some things that work for me. Here is my method on how to finally get things done.

How to Finally Get Things Done (well what works for me)

“Get things done – make sure you set appointments for what you want to happen.  #Productivity”]

Step 1 – Have Solid Goals

I do not always use the SMART goals  (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound) – yet I do make sure my goals are mine and make sense to me.

I use 3-month goals

I break down into my areas of focus. Mine are

  • Faith
  • Self
  • Family
  • Work – University
  • Work – Company
  • Home
  • Investments
  • Fun

Each area will have 3 goals for the term.


Step 2 – Plan Your Week Before it Starts

Do at the end of the last week. I do my weekly planning on Friday.

Make sure you look at your list of goals before you plan your week.

Focus on the next actions – those specific actions you will take to move you closer to the bigger goal.


Step 3 – Decide Which Tasks Require Mental Focus

Some activities will require a lot of mental focus and others can be done while you are less sharp.

For me, meetings are rarely in need of my total mental sharpness. (perhaps this is a bad choice – but yet the one I have made)

Knowing which are which helps you decide the time of the day these tasks are done.


Step 4 – Know your Daily Rhythm

Most of us are morning people – we work best and with the most focus in the morning.

Others might be night owls.

Decide which you are and use it. But be realistic.


Step 5 – Schedule Your Tasks

Add your tasks to the calendar.

These will be an appointment you make with yourself.

Remember to put the tasks in the right spot depending on the mental focus needed.


Step 6 – Execute Your Week!!!!

Get your worksheet and get started – hour-by-hour-scheduling-to-get-things-done

Links mentioned in this episode:

Make Your Goals Really Happen

Building Your Own Business


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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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