Writings from Dale
Ideas and Advice for Getting Unstuck in your Career
The 4 Delusions of Entrepreneurs
This is a re-post of Jonathan Fields Blogpost. Here Jonathan helps to dispel many of the common misconceptions about going it alone. I personally and STILL a proponent of OWNING something as an entrepreneur - but so many of the reasons we have to go it alone are false...
Do I Need a Business License?
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEocDgbzy7U If you cannot see the video, click here.
Dealing With Fear – Part 2
Are you dealing with fear in a business startup? Caught deciding about issues such as legal structure or a business license? This should help! [youtube id="IQEJrKsWHG8"] [reminder]What fear is stopping you from...
Get More Done in Less Time
Don't we all want to get more done in less time? Would it not be wonderful to have someone else to do those things I would rather not do? I could delegate, but that seems overwhelming also. And, what if I have no one to delegate to? Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative...
Dealing With Fear
Dealing with fear involving your startup. Here are some of the common issues and how I deal with them. Mostly overhyped legal or licensing concerns. [youtube id="siYDO9NwJFw"] [reminder]What fear is controlling you? [/reminder]
Examples of Those Who Have Escaped Cubicle Insanity
Cubicle insanity. One of the frequent issues I find in dealing with people in the corporate world is that they have no idea HOW to turn their passions into profits. It is as if we get a corporate lobotomy after working in the cubicle farm. We get cubicle insanity. Can...
Start With The End In Mind
To get what you want, you must start with the end in mind. Most people have no idea what they really want to happen or what they are working to become. To get control, decide what you want in the end and set some goals. The video reviews some of those basic processes...
I Hate My Job | How I am Killing the Country
I love the title of a recent article by MSNBC. The title is "Americans’ job satisfaction falls to record low" and even better the subtitle "Economists warn discontent could stifle innovation, hurt U.S. productivity" Why do I love this depressing news? Because it says...
Branding for Entrepreneurs
The other day at a meeting I heard Michael Bell from The Modern Brand talk about what to do when your small business revenues are down and business is slow. His pitch was to existing company owners and entrepreneurs, many of whom are hurting financially right now....
What Kind of Products and Services Do I Offer?
What kind of services does your business handle? What exactly are the products you want to offer. This video covers how to figure that out.
Let’s Have Some FUN!
What Kind of Business Do I Start? – Part 3
The common question is "What kind of business do I start?" We've talked about what we want, and we've talked about how to make what we want make money, but NOW how do we decide which options for making money are the best? Are some of them too crazy? Am I scared to...
Goals in 2010
I have been working for a few days looking back at my 2009 company results and looking forward to my 2010 goals. Have you set new goals - or perhaps dusted off your old ones? The results of this time of reflection have been somewhat bittersweet. The company's...
Step 2 – I Know What I Want, Now How to Make Money
This series covers the three steps towards how to make money doing what you love. We've covered Step 1 and that is Answering the question: What do I want? In this video blog entry, we discuss how to turn "What I love to do?" into something that can actually make...
What kind of business should I start?
This video is about helping you determine what kind of business you should start. The key - finding your passion - something that sounds simple but can be a big search. [youtube id="BPhFuzC-ZEc"] Here are the questions referred to in the video that YOU need to...
Escape from Cubicle Nation [Book Review]
Here is more detail on one of the books from my
Escaping Cubicle Insanity by Discovering the Entrepreneur in You
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n6-P48huSk The introduction video to the upcoming series of videos on Escaping Cubicle Insanity by Discovering the Entrepreneur in You. The series will start the 2010 year as a look at how to break free from corporate life one step at...
Sharing your business idea with others
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkfM0-lWvoA Do you share you great new idea with others - or keep it a secret till you can surprise the world with your brilliance. This video considers the realities.