Step 2 – I Know What I Want, Now How to Make Money

by | Jan 4, 2010 | 2 comments

This series covers the three steps towards how to make money doing what you love. We’ve covered Step 1 and that is Answering the question: What do I want? In this video blog entry, we discuss how to turn “What I love to do?” into something that can actually make money.


[youtube id=”KiJ5jLMWzSA”]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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  1. Riza Dindir

    Dr. Callahan, I find the blog and the videos very
    interesting. “Escaping cubicle insanity” for me hit the
    nail right on the head.

    I think there is a typo in the last sentence, which didn’t
    make send to me after reading it. But I might also be

    Best regards.

  2. Dale

    Thank you very much! Will fix right now.

    Working on my goals for 2010 – perhaps typing should be in the mix;) Glad you find it helpful – let me know anything I can do to help you along your route!

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