Writings from Dale


Ideas and Advice for Getting Unstuck in your Career

Triggers to Buying – According to Neuroscience

Triggers to Buying – According to Neuroscience

Do you know what causes people to spend money? If you work for a living, then knowing what influences a person to reach into their wallet should direct your actions daily. In the book Neuromarketing: Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's Brain  authors...

How to Use Evernote as a Pseudo Web Page

How to Use Evernote as a Pseudo Web Page

I am a huge fan of Evernote. I use it for all kinds of things and because of this new tool, I find I rarely open other standard tools such as MS Word. But I have recently learned how to share content on a webpage using Evernote, making it work like a simple web page....

Managing Your Company of One

Managing Your Company of One

Each one of us is a Company of One. In fact, that is the premise of the book Resumes are Worthless. As a Company of One, each one of us is a unique business providing service in exchange for money. We are not employees, we instead are owners of our own Company of One....

How to Create an Elevator Pitch

How to Create an Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a quick statement made to entice an investor to consider investing in your idea or company. They are called "elevator pitches" because they are designed to be to delivered in the time it takes to ride the elevator. When done well, the elevator...

Freedom or Guilt

Freedom or Guilt

I think I was brainwashed by the system. I am sitting on my front porch at 10 am writing this article, and I feel as if I am doing something wrong. Shouldn't I be in a stuffy office under fluorescent lights 2+ hours into my work day? Shouldn't I have driven to the...

How to Setup a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog

How to Setup a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog

In my last post I shared why you should setup a  blog for your brand. In this post I will show you how to setup a self-hosted wordpress blog.  Even though I often work with technical people, many do not know how easy it is to get started. [youtube id="LsHcrKB3AXs"]...

5 Reasons You Should You Start a Blog to Grow Your Career

5 Reasons You Should You Start a Blog to Grow Your Career

Blogging has helped thousands grow their career by enhancing their professional and personal brand. Whether you are a new business owner, a self-employed expert, or an employee with expertise, blogging can help you grow your brand. Photo Courtesy Flickr/Creative...

What Customers Expect from Customer Service

What Customers Expect from Customer Service

Yesterday I spent well over an hour trying to get customer support from Rosetta Stone for my son's Spanish course. It was one of the worst examples of service I have experienced. I felt as if they were telling me it was a privilege that I was allowed me to be their...

Education at Work

Education at Work

[guestpost]This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of my book Resumes are Worthless. Hope you enjoy! [/guestpost] Twelve years of school. This is where most of us really start our careers. In theory, those twelve years of basic education prepare us for the world of work....

Are You Thinking Challenged?

Are You Thinking Challenged?

I do not know how you feel, but I am about sick of goal setting, SMART goals, and lectures on how to determine what you want. I am even sick of hearing myself say it to others! Photo courtesy of Flickr.com/Creative Commons[/featured-image] Yet, I, like so many people,...

5 Biggest Mistakes and What I Learned from Making Them

5 Biggest Mistakes and What I Learned from Making Them

We all hear success stories all the time. But, Ray Edwards inspired me to think about failures and what we can learn from them instead. Ray did a podcast a few weeks back entitled My Biggest Business Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them. I learned a lot listening...

Why I Will Ignore Your Email Message

Why I Will Ignore Your Email Message

In a recent post, I dealt with how to write effective emails. Consistently people ask me questions like "…but what do you do with the incoming email? How do you deal with the daily deluge?"  and  "…how do you check email and manage your email time so it does not...

The Struggle for Independence

The Struggle for Independence

The struggle for independence continues. Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago today, we declared independence as a nation. Independence takes energy and sacrifice. But first comes the decision to break free. Read these words of the declaration sometime today. Are we...

Thank You for Changing My Life

Thanks for changing my life. Ever heard these words? I have heard them a lot lately. But, this is not bragging. In fact the people saying it are giving me the credit for much of their work. I did not change their life. They did it.  I just gave them a toolbox to work...

When to Say No

When to Say No

Do you know when to say no to an opportunity? Opportunities are all around us. Daily many of us encounter new ways to serve others, make money, and often a mixture of both. But since you cannot do everything, when do you say yes and when do you say no. In the last few...

How to Get More Margin

How to Get More Margin

Over the last year I have done 53 speaking events, TV interviews, or radio interviews. This does not count the regular courses and workshops I teach, nor does it count my weekly podcasts. There were many weeks when I was teaching or speaking daily. Much of this was...

The Wrong Way to Network

Does it pay to network? Many people tell me that networking does not work for them. When I talk to some of them, I see why.     If networking does not work for you, see if you make any of the following mistakes. You cannot help but to talk about yourself....