When it comes to selling stuff, Be Cool Hand Luke

by | Jun 25, 2010 | 0 comments

In this video clip from “Cool Hand Luke” we watch Paul Newman’s character, Luke,  playing poker and he bluffs a large amount of money out of a crowd of convicts when in his hand he is holding nothing. The classic line is “Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand”. (Hence the movie title).

The idea for business here is that sometimes when you think you’re down and out, opportunities present themselves. It’s only when your life gets quiet, still, and you’ve got “nothing” that you are able to hear the quiet knocking of that opportunity.

I think about when I was younger, I heard about some lady that paid millions for a grilled cheese with what was supposed to be the Virgin Mary’s image on the front. You know that sandwich is going to mold or get eaten by a dog or something, and I was just amazed that someone would pay that much for it.

I asked my Dad why someone would pay that much for a nasty sandwich. He replied, “Something is only worth what someone else will pay for it. It’s the reason housing markets fluctuate” and the reason whoever sold that grilled cheese was a right smart entrepreneur.

I never forgot that. Something is worth what people will pay for it. I think will call the application of this thought capitalism. 🙂

The moral of today’s left field rant? Take a minute and  listen to your opportunities. If you play your cards right, what you thought was nothing just must might be your money-making hand.

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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