Five Ways to Make Money and Have Freedom

by | Dec 13, 2012 | 1 comment

Did you get any ideas of what you can sell from last week’s post on making money doing what you do?

This week, I wanted to provide some examples of the many places where people sell information products. I have put them in five categories.


1. How to Information and Consulting Income
One of my favorites is Cliff Ravenscraft at He helps people, like me, do podcasting by selling “how-to” videos and advice. He also does consulting. But what I really like about him is how he tells his story about how he got started. Check his story out at

2. Advertising Income
If your website or material become very popular, then you have the option of selling ads as your main source of revenue. Ana White loves to make stuff with wood. She found should could make a living helping others do the same. Most of her content (pictures and how to material) are free as she makes her money via ads. See her story.

3. Importer/Reseller
Ruben is one of my clients. He is from Spain and wanted to get Spanish food in the US. So he became an importer/distributor of Spanish foods. He creates nothing – but sells what he loves.

4. Books and Guides
OK – get the idea so far. But many people tell me to get “expertise” in their field, they need to go back to school and get a degree. So check out this one. Jim Healthy teaches how to deal with ailments like diabetes, insomnia, weight loss and others, all by eating better and getting exercise.  Most important, he has no formal health care training! How did he get started? See Jim’s story.

5. All I have is chatter
Clients often tell me they have no ideas, no passions, and are 100% boring. In other words, they have nothing to offer the world. Six Sisters is a blog shared by – well – six sisters. They started as a way to stay connected, then realized money could be made by their sister conversations. Take a look at their site and see if you can find out how they make money.

I could spend all day telling you about people who have made it happen. Really, I could do this all day long showing you over and over and over people just like you and I who have grabbed an idea and are making a living. Perhaps more important, most of them like their job better than you! And, they have freedom. No one is looking for them to show up at 8AM. No one tells them they have to take vacation time to go to the beach. Nothing is stopping them from being at all of their kids’ sporting events. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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1 Comment

  1. John Buck

    Great information. There are definitely more ways to make an income than just getting a job. Especially as hard is that is now a days.


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