How to Find the Products YOU Should Offer

by | Dec 20, 2012 | 0 comments

How can YOU make more money serving those YOU want to serve? What is the secret?

Secret about Making Money 1


In the last two posts about making money and having freedom, I showed various ways to sell information and products over the internet. I was by no means complete, but I wanted to give you and your Company of One some ideas to start.

But let’s get to it. Here are the critical steps I take my clients through.


1. Start with PASSION

What you love to do and what are naturally inclined to do is the biggest hint. Answer the following:

  • What do I love to do?
  • What do others ask me to help them do?
  • What do I like to read?
  • What do I think about during the drive home from work?

2. Who do you want to serve?

Related to the above question is the who questions.

  • Who do I like to help? Is it older people, younger, kids, stay at home moms, working dads, etc, etc. Who is it?
  • Who do I NOT like to work with?

Brainstorm and find answers to these questions. Seriously – this is not as easy as it looks. Most people really struggle with these questions. So ask your spouse and friends for their thoughts. And write it all down. Even the crazy stuff or the boring stuff. Next week we will delve into what to do with this information.


My Example

For example, I would answer these questions as follows:


1. Passion!

I love giving people hope and options in life. I am always reading material about business, investing, startups, leadership, and basically taking control of your life. People most often ask me to help in new business ideas, how to get started in business, increase their market, or other questions related to investing in businesses. Also, I get a lot of questions about taking control of careers.


2. Who!

I like working with professional people who have had some of their life in the corporate world and have found it frustrating and unfulfilling. People who are looking for a new challenge and a way to get freedom and control. I have also worked with stay at home moms, and from time to time high school students. The one group of people I do not want to work with are those people who are egotistical blowhards.

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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