Survey Results

Results of My 2013 Survey

by | Nov 21, 2013 | 0 comments

Last week I asked for your feedback. Part of me expected no one to take the survey. But I was pleased, and humbled, to see the response and the feedback. Many of you shared specific information that helps me understand why you read the posts or listen to the podcasts. So I wanted to share with you what you had to say.

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons/Micky.! [/featured-image]

I want to thank each of you who participated and provided the feedback and all of those who read and listen. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you as part of the team. I am closing out my first full year of blogging and my energy was waning. Your feedback has reinvigorated me and should be useful as I head into year two!

Survey Results – Demographics

  • 75% of you are male
  • The ages fall into three main groups
    • 25% are from 21-30
    • 25% are from 31-40
    • 32% are from 41-50
  • Education – Everyone who answered has some college with 57% showing the had a bachelors degree
  • Occupation
    • 44% are in corporate or technical management
    • 26% are business owners or entrepreneurs
  • Household Income
    • 32% make over $100,000 per year
    • 18% make $60,000 to $70,000 per year

Survey Results – Blog and Podcast

  • 40% read and listen to most all of them
  • 32% read and listen to some of them
  • 20% read the blogs but never listen to the podcasts
  • 4% never listen or read

Wow – this is shocking to me – and a bit intimidating. Over 70% of you are actively consuming the content.

Survey Results – How You Prefer to Learn

  • 40% prefer to learn via reading
  • 28% prefer to learn via listening
  • 28% prefer to learn live
  • Only 4% prefer video

Your Goals

  • 96% expressed a desire to grow your income
  • 36% want to leave their job and start a business
  • 44% want to start a business and keep their job
  • 48% struggle with time (I need to learn from the other 52% of you)
  • 36% need a change and have no idea what to do
  • 32% would like to start a blog
  • 24% would like to write a book
  • 20% would like to get more education

Survey Comments

I cannot share all here (nor would I want to share your exact words without permission) but here are some of the common themes

  • A few suggested I limit the podcast to 30 minutes or less.
  • A strong percentage indicated the content made them think in new ways about work and money
  • Music should be added to the podcast. (Done! Thanks for those of you who suggested it. More coming.)
  • Guest should be a bigger part of the podcasts. I have a few of these out, but would like to do more.
  • Many indicated a desire to start their own business and that the content help them think through the process.
  • A few of you indicated the content comes too frequently.

[reminder]Any further clarification? This was very helpful to me! [/reminder]


About the Author

Dale Callahan

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