Cliff Ravenscraft - podcast answer man

034: Passion to Profits | Interview with Cliff Ravenscraft – The Podcast Answer Man [Podcast]

by | Nov 19, 2013 | 0 comments

While I was at Platform in Dallas, I got a chance to sit down and talk with Cliff Ravenscraft who is otherwise known as “The Podcast Answer Man.” If you are familiar with Cliff and have heard his story, you will get to hear more in depth his path to finding his passion and some of those challenges he faced. If you do not know Cliff, you really need to listen. His message is loaded with power. You will question your path and your passions and hobbies. You will wonder if you too could say “I do whatever I want every day of the week.”

Photo courtesy of Cliff Ravenscraft [/featured-image]


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Interview with Cliff Ravenscraft – Passion to Profits

I went into the interview with Cliff with these questions in mind:

  • What do you do for a living?
  • How did you get started?
  • When you started, did you ever think you would make as much money as you did in insurance?
  • You found your passion, but where was it before? How did you find it?
  • For those who are working and providing but feel discouraged and want more, what would you say to them?

We got to talk through all of these questions and many more.

The Reverse Interview

While technically this interview was not a reverse interview, some of the same characteristics showed up. I asked him how he got started and this led the conversation. The key is that when you hit a person’s passion, they want to share with you and you stand to learn a ton. Cliff and I could have talked over another hour. I stopped the interview knowing he was going to be called back to the stage at any minute at the close of the Platform conference.

My Request for Help from YOU

As I said on the intro of this podcast, I am in a friendly competition with a friend who has a podcast with about 25-30 reviews. He challenged me to see if I could get as many reviews as he has. I know, you hate having to write a review. I get it. But please help me show him up.

To leave a review, click Company of One and then go to Review in ITUNES. From there click Ratings and Review tab and leave a review.

Episode Resources

In this episode I mentioned some resources, including:

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Your Feedback

If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me.

Also, if you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks.

[reminder]What did you think about this episode with Cliff? Would you like to hear more interviews like this?  [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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