USA World Cup: Building a Business Model Like a Soccer Game

by | Jun 30, 2010 | 2 comments

So the US pulled out a last minute win only to lose Ghana. Oh, but what a fabulous loss it was!

They did so great. As I watched them battle the Ghanaians down the field, it was intense. I was convinced both teams were trying to foul each other to get the penalty shot. Which worked out well for Dempsey in the one goal the US was able to get over Ghana.

Going into this game it was presumed Ghana was beat-able, and I suppose they are, but their defense is a monster to get past.I just sat there watching the game thinking “I thought we were competitive here! This was supposed to be easier than this!” Oh, it was pins and needles.

Landon Donovan as well as Dempsey and all of the others played an awesome game. Gomez coming in there at the end with everything he had. It was beautiful.

As I watched the game unfold I was convinced that it isn’t about winning or losing (though winning is always nice), but how you play the game. Even the commentators as the game neared the end of overtime, were routing for the US to get another goal and send the game into a penalty shoot out. But as the game closed and it was obvious the US was not going to be able to penetrate the Ghanaian defense, it wasn’t a searing loss. The United States could walk away from this World Cup knowing they had done their best. It was just a matter of the other team played a better game that day, and that was all.

As I approach my business, I can only hope my business models are this well played. Even if my ventures don’t turn out as successfully as I hope, my endeavors as a manager, as an employee, as a person, I hope my employers, employees, and even competitors,  look at the outcome of my projects second, and first and foremost are able to stand proud of my performance either way.

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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  1. Suman

    On the other side, think about this: what if giving your best may not be enough? I watched the game. USA gave their best, but they were always trying to come from behind… At it caught up to them.

    My suggestion here is to stay ahead by giving your best. That is how you come out to be a winner… One of my favorite couch said “There is no moral victory”…

  2. Dale

    Good point. However, on the business side you can be second place and still do very well;)

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