001: How to Increase Your Income / God’s View of Money and Work [Podcast]

by | Mar 12, 2013 | 0 comments

In today’s podcast, we will look at the big question of


Source: www.simplyinvesting.com

Source: www.simplyinvesting.com

But first we deal with the subjects leading up to that issue and then grow into the larger issue of income.

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1. What is God’s view of work and money?

Here we will explore the issue many people of faith struggle with, which is “is it evil to be rich?” To do this, we look to scripture.

– The 5th commandment – Remember the Sabbath – Exodus 20:8-14
– Work – given to man BEFORE the fall. Genesis 2:15
– Is money is the root of all evil?

Book reference – Daniel Lapin’s Thou Shall Prosper

2. A holistic view of your income.

Then we move to looking at the big picture of income – it is not JUST about a pay raise.

To do this, I encourage you work along with me using a pen and paper to

  • Write  down all sources of income you have,
  • Look at the main source of your income,  and (this is your FIRST chance of increasing your income).
  • Look at those untapped resources.

BRAINSTORM – What can I do?

I will give several examples of clients who have done these exercise and found new money. Many of these examples come from clients in our IEM Program.

– One person had rental income from a vacation rental. He realized with a little more advertising on sites like HOMEWAY he could increase his rentals – and therefore his income!

– Another owned a trucking business and found new ways of generating sales and income.

– Others focused on their day job. More hours, more focus on key things, more conversations yielded in an increase in pay.

3. Increase your income on your JOB!

Here we will focus on how to increase your income and contribution on your primary job by taking a hard look at your

– Customers,
– Conversations, and
– Value add.

Then we step back and look at your big picture.

  • Main job
  • Spouse’s job
  • Tax refunds
  • Royalties
  • Side jobs
  • Stuff you sold
  • Volunteer jobs turned into real money

Overall this show is about freedom to control your income. Why leave it to someone else to control? You own it!

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Question: What other questions do you have about increasing your income? You can leave a comment below.


About the Author

Dale Callahan

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