Personal Branding Actions

023: Personal Branding from Your Actions [Podcast]

by | Aug 20, 2013 | 0 comments

Last week I started a three part series on personal branding with the subject of first impressions. Today we consider how your actions define your brand.

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Seven Personal Branding Actions

In this episode I want to share with you seven actions that impact your brand. Details are found on the podcast audio.

  1. Care – Do you care about others? This is your ultimate mission.
  2. Mission – Do you know the mission and vision of your organization? Not just the stated mission printed on company literature, but the real mission the leaders live.
  3. Mission fit – How do you fit into the mission of your organization?
  4. Define your customers – Do you know them? For details on how to do this, see Company of One Overview.
  5. Seek input – Go ask your customers how you are doing. See Company of One Overview for details.
  6. Be direct – When you have an issue, be direct and up front. This avoids gossip and misunderstandings. Others respect directness.
  7. Know their name – Learn people’s names and use them. I think we all struggle here. I know I do.
All of these actions impact your brand. Notice they are all about interacting with other people. How you do that is your brand!

Episode Resources

In this episode I mentioned some resources, including:

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[reminder]I feel like there is more. What actions am I missing? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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