Amazon FBA Winners - Kendall and Linda Davis

047: Making a Living from Amazon FBA | Interview with Kendall Davis [Podcast]

by | Feb 25, 2014 | 0 comments

The other day I was in a coffee shop and ran into Kendall Davis. Kendall had attended a Career Focus class I help teach at my church. At the time of the class, Kendall was between jobs and trying to determine what to do next. So, naturally I asked him if he found a job. The answer was no. Do you know the feeling you get when you think you have failed to help someone? That is how I felt. But the rest of the story made me feel much better.

Kendall and Linda Davis – Making  Living from Amazon FBA[/featured-image]


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Kendall shared with me WHY he was no longer looking for work. Now, instead of a job, he does what he loves working from home (or coffee shops) and making his household living on his own terms. And when I found out what he was doing, my reaction was “you can make money like that?”

So I had to have him on the show!

Making a Living from Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

I will confess, I have no expertise in what Kendall and I discussed on the show. But I did want to provide you with this information as another path to make money on your own! I have sold via eBay and Amazon, but nothing of this level.

But I will give you the basic path Kendall and his wife took to their new business:

  1. They love garage and yard sales. A fun family hobby.
  2. In the Career Focus class, we took Kendall through the How to Find Your Calling exercise. You can get the ebook that takes you through the same exercise below.
  3. He started exploring selling goods on his eBay store DAVISDEALS4U. Realized some products had enough markup to make it work.
  4. Found out about Amazon’s service Fulfillment by Amazon (also known as Amazon FBA) and began to explore options.
  5. Learned others were doing this at a higher level. See the Episode Resources below for links to some of these other people.

Now, the Davis family is a retailer. The business is growing and Kendall is beginning to see a lot of options for growing his business.

To learn more about Kendall, visit his store at Kendall’s eBay Store.

Learn how to find your calling so you too can find ways to make money and create your own new normal.

Episode Resources

Here are some links from Kendall. He used these tools to build his business.

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[reminder]What about you? Have you ever sold on eBay or Amazon? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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