How to Get a Book Published

065: How to Get a Book Published | Interview with Chad Allen [Podcast]

by | Jul 15, 2014 | 5 comments

If the first American dream is home ownership, the second is getting a book published. When someone learns that I have published a book, they immediately begin to tell me about their book. Some are just ideas. Others are books actually in the works, or even finished. But for all, they ask me how to get a book published. Although I have published a few books,  I am no expert. Today I introduce you to Chad Allen, an expert, someone who has published hundreds of books and has 15 years of experience in the book publishing business.


Chad Allen of Book Proposal Academy[/featured-image]

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“Join me in my Webinar How to Create Your First Information Product in 30 Days on July 16th!”]

I Asked (and Chad answered) How To Get a Book Published

  • What does a book publisher do?
  • How do I find a book publisher for my book?
  • How do I get a book publisher to take me seriously?
  • How big does my Platform have to be to be taken seriously?
  • What is a book proposal and why do I need one?

“If the first American dream is home ownership, the second is getting a book published.”]

And other things we learn from Chad in this interview.

  • How a publisher evaluates an author or book idea.
  • What is required to get your book into a bookstore.
  • How a book proposal is like your business plan. You need it before you start the book.

“A book proposal is the business plan for your book. Develop it before you start writing.”]

What Chad Allen and Book Proposal Academy want to do for you

  • Chad’s mission is to help you find your voice and do your art. You can see this spirit in his blog at Chad R. Allen.
  • Check out the FREE videos where Chad teaches you about book proposals at Book Proposal Academy.

Invest in Yourself

If you have ever considered writing a book, seriously check out the free videos at  Book Proposal Academy and consider taking part in the coaching. Do you want to keep telling others you are thinking about writing a book, or would you rather call yourself a published author? Make an investment in yourself and make it happen. Learn from an expert!

“Learn how to write a book proposal from the person who has been reading them for 15 years.”]

“Book Proposal Academy”]


[reminder]What kind of book are you thinking about writing? [/reminder]


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[reminder]What kind of book are you thinking about writing? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

Learn more on this topic

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  1. Mike Coffey

    I am thinking about writing a book for those in Career Search. My experience, over many years of career counseling, is that folks who are unemployed, under-employed, or unhappy in their jobs DO NOT KNOW how to conduct a successful job search. It is not easy and “change” is often accepted without sufficient guarantees that the next career move will be the right one. The book’s tentative title: “I developed the job that fit me best – and took it!

  2. Dale Callahan

    Great idea Mike. Check out Chad’s videos (and his info graphic you can download) – should be very helpful.

  3. Mike Coffey

    Thanks Dale – will do ! Kudos for your many great tips that enable.


  4. David Gardenhour

    Dale, thanks for putting this together (065). A lot of publication-hopefuls are out there, and this was a great introduction to various concepts tailored to the “I – want – to – get – published” crowd. Knowing the starting point towards getting published is always a major concern for aspiring author’s, and your podcast answered the “where” and “how.”

    I love the statement, “If the first American dream is home ownership, the second is getting a book published,” because it’s true, and more specifically, because it resonates with a lot of us. I’m not even sure which is the more difficult of the two, getting published or owning a home. Probably getting published.

    It’s incredible how much self-selling is involved in the writing world (as it ought to be), and that’s not to say I don’t hate it. I love writing, I hate selling. Ironically, the art of selling is intertwined with writing.

    Thanks again for the podcast. I enjoyed it.

  5. Dale Callahan

    Thanks David. I agree – it is not what I thought it would first be either. The idea of write and then sit back and wait seems much more appealing. But, to look at it another way, you have been given a gift, and if people do not know of the gift you have to offer, they will never benefit. To write and forget marketing is in effect hiding your lamp under a bushel.

    If your focus of writing is to help and serve others, then shining your light is the work of service, just as lighting the light was the start of the job. Without both, no one benefits.

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