Finding Your Why - Business clarity

102: Finding Your Why with Anthony Witt [Podcast]

by | Aug 13, 2015 | 0 comments

Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Sounds like a silly question, but finding your why can be a big part of your long term success. Your why will get you through the rough days, teach you when to say yes and when to say no, and will keep you laser focused on serving your customers. In today’s show, Anthony Witt, of The Champion Entrepreneur, and I discuss finding your why.

“Finding Your Why” by Tiago Aguiar is licensed under CC BY 2.0[/featured-image]

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Finding Your Why

In today’s show we discuss some of the issues we discuss with new and hopeful entrepreneurs.

  • Why do you want to be a business owner?
  • Why should you even ask why?
  • What does passion have to do with it?
  • What about skills? How important are they?
  • What about following the market? Should I just do what is hot today?

“Finding your why can sound touchy-feely, but the reality is any good business venture has a powerful why.”]

“Without a powerful why, you are likely to grow to hate your business venture.”]

How to Find Your Why – A Formula

In the upcoming shows (Stay tuned) we will cover specific plans that will get you moving to help you discover your own why. These plans will get you moving and bring incredible clarity to your business startup ideas. See next week for episode 103 – Using Your Why to Find a Business Idea You Love.

Note to Subscribers

You will find that the email you get about my podcast/blog will soon be changing. I have moved to a new and more powerful email server. The transition to new servers and systems took me a while – which partly explains my absence. Perhaps I will share some of the adventures of moving a site that is making money – not as trivial as I thought! But hopefully the new emails will serve you better. As always – I welcome feedback,  so let me know.


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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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