How to Find Your Passion and Your Why

103: How to Find Your Passion and Your Why [Podcast]

by | Aug 20, 2015 | 0 comments

To succeed in business you need to do something you love –  you need to find your passion. It is the driving factor or “WHY” of your work. But, finding your passion is something that many find hard to do. Today, Anthony Witt and I, do the second in our series on getting started in your business by addressing the question “How do you find your passion?”

“Turning Passion Into Profits” by Alex Wong is licensed under CC BY 2.0[/featured-image]

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How to Find Your Passion and Your Why

I talk a lot about passion. Many think it is a touchy-feely issue and not worthy of discussing – especially in the hard world of innovation and engineering where I live. But I am talking passion because I know it can connect you to profit. I am reminded of the need to connect to your passion daily with the living dead – those people working in jobs they do not enjoy.  They are suffering from that corporate lobotomy.

“If you feel like you have had a corporate lobotomy, you need to rediscover your passion. “]

In today’s show we answer these questions:

  • How does brainstorming fit into finding your passion?
  • What about those assessment tools like Strengths Finder? Do they work?
  • Practical steps to finding and getting wise counsel about how to get started in a venture you might be passionate about.
  • Hangups we all have in connecting our passion to future profits.

How to Evaluate Your Business Idea

In the upcoming show (Stay tuned), Anthony and I will get into business idea evaluation. We all know ideas are a dime a dozen. So how can we determine if we have a good idea and one that will generate real profits over time? Join us for Episode 104 to find out.



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About the Author

Dale Callahan

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