Hidden Engineering Jobs

143: Hidden Engineering Jobs – How to Find Jobs that Have Not Been Advertised [Podcast]

by | Sep 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Ever heard of hidden engineering jobs?

Estimates indicate that over 80% of jobs filled each year are hidden jobs.

What is a hidden job? 

Many will define hidden jobs as jobs that never get formally posted to job boards. But it goes further than that since many jobs posted on sites like Indeed are not real. They have already been filled before they were posted.

They were hidden, and once the company found the person they needed, they formally posted to meet various guidelines and regulations. But, even though the opportunity had been posted, it was already filled.

So the trick to finding new opportunities in engineering and technology is to find those hidden jobs before they are filled.

Hidden Engineering Jobs – How to Find Jobs that Have Not Been Advertised (Podcast Outline)

  1. The mindset of hidden jobs – creating or finding a need
    • Have you ever made a big purchase when you were not really looking? 
      • For a big-screen TV
      • A car
      • A home
      • A vacation
    • Jobs are the same process – advertising works
  2. Why are there jobs hidden
    • Some jobs are not advertised YET.
    • Some jobs are silent searches.
    • Some jobs are not advertised because the company has not defined the position enough to write the ad. 
    • Many jobs are not even defined yet – the need is there but not apparent to the leaders about what they need or who (THESE ARE THE BEST HIDDEN JOBS).
  3. Define where you want to go
    • Have a direction. There are too many to chase without focus.
    • Think about your calling – what lights you up. Go after what is fun for you. 
  4. Find the people doing the fun stuff and reach out to them for a reverse interview
    • How to find them.
    • How to reach out to them and what to say. 
  5. What to say when you meet with them
    • The three core questions to ask.
    • The one million $ question to ask.
  6. How to end the meeting 
    • End on time – with them wanting to talk more.
    • Do not leave a resume.
    • Get an open invitation to contact them again.
    • Thank them and leave.
  7. Evaluate the meeting
    • Are they a top 40 pick? Do you like what you heard?
    • What was their pain? Can you fix it? 
    • Define the opportunity as you see it. Put it into words.
    • Does this person have the power and budget to hire? If not, can they get you to that person? 
  8. How to follow-up
    • Send a thank you immediately.
    • Connect on LinkedIn with a personalized message.
    • Set a 15, 30, 45, or 90 day follow-up time (Contactually/Excel/SalesForce).
  9. Create a process
    • Repeat steps above to add new contacts and opportunities.
    • Set a time to do follow-ups and DO THEM. 
    • Keep defining opportunities.
    • Focus on the top 5 opportunities until they resolve or go away. 
  10. Never stop – even when you land a job


Click here to listen now.

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Imagine the possibilities



“Dale helps people imagine the possibilities of doing the work you love. He helps us think outside of the box and gives practical ideas along with lots of stories of how others have begun doing work they love. Thanks, Dale!”


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Dale Callahan

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