Become Better at Your Job

177: Become Better at Your Job [Podcast]

by | May 26, 2020 | 0 comments

Become Better at Your Job? I know that you are likely thinking, “I am already good at my job!”

I hope that is true. But, can you become better at your job? I think we all know the answer is yes – we can always be better.

Why should you? If you can become better at your job you will

  • have greater work satisfaction,
  • improve your relationships with your coworkers,
  • be more productive,
  • impress your leaders, and
  • grow your income.

If nothing else caught your eye – I hope the idea of increasing your income did. Is this selfish thinking? Sure. But the whole point of working is for income – so the idea of maximizing income should be part of your mission. Since you are a Company of One, you should operate like one and look for ways to grow profit. (See Episode 174)

Only Two Ways to Make More Money

I forget where I heard it, but I remember someone telling me that there were only two ways to make more money.

  1. To work more hours.
  2. To become more valuable.

If you are paid by the hour, working more hours will do the trick. But this is not scalable.

But, to become more valuable, you can then charge more for your time.

And it is the becoming more valuable part that we need to focus on today.

Become Better at Your Job – The Company of One Perspective

Before we dive into the details, I just want to make sure our thinking is right. If you tuned into episode 174, you would know all Companies have four major roles: operations, marketing, research, and finance.

The part of operations is where we do our job. It is the role we are most familiar with. However, I am going to say that I bet you have left money on the table. Your COO (Chief Operations Officer) has more he or she can do to make money flow. (Yes – you are your own COO – so I am talking about you.)

Your job in operations is to serve the customer well. And, your customer is your boss, your boss’s boss, your coworkers, etc. (See Ep 176 about knowing your customer better.)

  1. Tune in to what your customer needs from you. You will learn a lot by simply asking and listening. What is important to your customer? And remember, this is a personal thing. If you change bosses, then you will likely end up with a new set of priorities.
  2. Your job should do one of two things: 1) make money or 2) save money – never forget it. Accountants call it overhead  – expenses that do not directly result in revenue. Always strive to add value. Top of the line expenses is those costs that are part of the building or delivering products and services which drive revenue. Are you part of them?
  3. Focus on your strengths and doing what you love. Too often, we get caught up trying to be like the other guy. Instead, focus on where you are strong. Align your work, the best you can, with your strengths. You will do better, be more recognized, and grow your income faster.
  4. Reduce the drama. Drama, caused by internal bickering, personal life getting in the way of work, or other things that take the eye off the ball, will drain those you serve. Leave it at home and deal swiftly with the drama at work.
  5. Stop stealing from your employers. Dead end meetings. Killing time. Lack of clarity to what you are doing today. Check out Productivity at Work | Quit Stealing From Your Employers
  6. Communicate. Do not assume anyone knows what you are doing or why. Help your customers by letting them know what is going on.

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Dale Callahan

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