Four Simple Ideas to Win Over Problem People

Four Simple Ideas to Win Over Problem People

The biggest problems faced by the engineers and technology leaders are not about technology at all. People are the issue. And most technology workers (should I just say most people) are not prepared to deal with the challenges people bring. My mom - who worked for...

063: How Introverts Can be the Best Networkers [Podcast]

063: How Introverts Can be the Best Networkers [Podcast]

I have been doing a lot of work on my new course Networking for Introverts (soon to release) lately. As I explore and search, I see a lot of common misconceptions that the extroverts of the world are better at networking and making personal connections. Wrong. In my...

Reverse Interview Questions | There Are Only Three

Reverse Interview Questions | There Are Only Three

Without question, the reverse interview or informational interview is the most effective method for finding a job. Reverse interview questions have continually opened up doors for my clients to new jobs - often creating jobs. (See my post on Finding Hidden Jobs) One...

023: Personal Branding from Your Actions [Podcast]

023: Personal Branding from Your Actions [Podcast]

Last week I started a three part series on personal branding with the subject of first impressions. Today we consider how your actions define your brand. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons/flickrfavorites [/featured-image]   Click to Listen ...

5 Reasons You Should You Start a Blog to Grow Your Career

5 Reasons You Should You Start a Blog to Grow Your Career

Blogging has helped thousands grow their career by enhancing their professional and personal brand. Whether you are a new business owner, a self-employed expert, or an employee with expertise, blogging can help you grow your brand. Photo Courtesy Flickr/Creative...

5 Networking Mistakes You Are Making

5 Networking Mistakes You Are Making

Networking can be very powerful. Using proper networking skills, you can open the doors to many unknown opportunities and jobs. Yet, I hear from many people that networking does not work for them, even though some of these people are always out and networking with...

Using Twitter for Business

Using Twitter for Business

Twitter is considered a waste of time or a marketing advantage. Here are some hints in how i have started using Twitter to have a more powerful influence.