Networking for Introverts – Part 2

by | Apr 16, 2010 | 2 comments

My last post was on Networking for Introverts – and I refered you back to the FIRST technique that EVEN INTROVERTS can do. The Reverse Interview. In addition the the post – here are the videos that discuss the reverse interview. UAB interview, The first video I did on the subject (I think).

Trust me – these REALLY work. I continue to hear from people who have tried it – so why don’t you?


Second Method – Be a Hero

Another method to network is by using organizations. Yes I know – this is exactly what you have done before – and you end up meeting another person looking for a job just like you – and that is all! gonig to professional organization meetings is what they told you to do in school – and you HATE doing this. I get it!!!

………………….But here is the rest of the story!

  • First, like always, decide what you want. There are millions of organizations and associations. You need to know where your efforts should be placed. Why go to a software developer meeting when you want to build homes for a living? Who cares where you are today – where do you WANT to be? Go hang out with those people!
  • Second, use your contacts from the Reverse Interview. Since you have already done this (you have – right) you already KNOW they right people in the right organizations. Now instead of showing up blind and walking into a room with panic in your heart – not knowing what to do next – you go straight to your contact and say hello. Guess what they will do? Introduce you to people!!  And – introduce you to the RIGHT people.  Remember to also go and meet the head of the organization – if you have not met them already.

    To take the pressure off the first time – contact the new person in your network and ask if they will be going. Ask them to introduce you! Also, email or call (I know – you will email) the organization president or leader and tell them you want to come check them out. Then go in and introduce yourself saying “I am the one who emailed you about checking this out.” This will lead somewhere – trust me!

    Remember to not talk about yourself too much – let other people talk. You should become skilled at asking questions.

  • Third, take action. Every volunteer organization, no matter the size, struggles from having a lot of takers and very few givers. The people who are the decision makers in a 1000 person organization can likely fit around a small conference table. They are the ones who give their time and actually do something. So your trick is to find out where they really need help and then lend a hand. The result is that you will not be a nameless figure, instead everyone will know you AND that you can get something done.
  • Fourth, do it. People are ALWAYS watching and judging – so the character you display within the organization is what people will always assume is you. And they are right. If you show up and do what you said, they will think highly of you. If you do not, you would have been better off to have never joined. Remember the adage Under Promise and Over Deliver.

Results Count

I will say again – this works. It may take a little courage to do this – but you can quickly go fro a nobody to a rock star! I know – I know several people who are TOTAL introverts who I used to introduce to others at meetings. Now they introduce me! They are still introverts – but introverts in charge!


About the Author

Dale Callahan

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  1. Monica Roberts

    This is great information. I am an introvert that is looking for a job and you hit the nail on the head because I’m going at finding a job just like everyone else and getting no results. I would like to become an introvert in charge!

  2. Felicia James

    I’ve read Networking for Introverts part 1 and I’ve done the reverse interview as well and it really works. I am very much an introvert when it comes to networking. I like how you broke down how to network in four steps. The second step is what I really like and I can see myself being more comfortable talking with one person than a whole room initially. I am going to use the steps you have presented to help me become better at networking.


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