000: Welcome to my Podcast – Company of One Overview

by | Mar 7, 2013 | 0 comments

Podcast: Initial Company Of One Podcast

Welcome to my new podcast. This is my initial show so this week I am putting the podcast as my blog post.

My PLAN is to have the podcast release each Tuesday and the regular blog posts each Thursday as before, but this week was special. By special I guess I mean I have worked my tail off trying to get this setup.

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*NOTE: If you are reading this in email, you will need to go to Itunes or my blog to get access to this show.


In this initial episode I go over the idea of a Company of One. Here are some thoughts contained in this show:

What is a Company of One?

We explore the basic COMPANY OF ONE model – you are a business.

Specifically we address:

  • The Company of One model
  • Defining YOUR customers
  • How a change in your perspective changes your results

Two books I reference in this show are

My Resumes are Worthless

Dan Miller’s No More Mondays


One more thing – Entrepreneurial Training!

I did NOT mention in the show my upcoming class on getting started to Awaken Your Entrepreneur. If you are in the Birmingham area, join us in April for 5 Wednesday nights as I walk you through everything you need to start your own entrepreneurial venture.


Awaken Your Entrepreneur

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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