Finding Your Why

050: Finding Your Why [Podcast]

by | Mar 25, 2014 | 2 comments

Finding your why? We might also say finding our mission or finding our purpose. But I like “finding your why.” The WHY gets to the core of things. Why do you do what you do? What would you do if you were really driven by your why?

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons/Colin_K [/featured-image]

Two of the most commons statements I hear from those I have coached are:

  1. I do not have any special skills or abilities. This issue is addressed through the How to Find Your Calling ebook (see the right side of the webpage).
  2. I do not have anything I really want to do. This issue is addressed in today’s podcast
These two statements, more than anything else, point to the emptiness of the corporate lifestyle and personal wealth many of us are experiencing today. But, how do you get out of this rut?

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Finding Your Why – The Problem

  • After some point, money does not motivate us.
  • Most people are empty looking for something more out of life. Just look at the emptiness of work for most people in corporate life.
  • The blessing of wealth has become a curse.

Finding Your Why – The Actions

First, two assumptions:

  1. Household expenses are paid – no money worries. Think about the amount you need to live on deposited to your account each month without any effort on your part.
  2. Unlimited access to OTHER resources and people. You can get to anyone you need, and they will listen to you.
Second, consider your daily life. With no worries or restrictions, what would you do Monday morning.
  • What would you do?
  • Who would you serve?
  • How would you help?
  • Be specific.
“When it comes to living your personal mission, are you a participant or a spectator?”]
Take these ideas and think through your Monday. What would the day, the week, the month look like if you were really driven by what you care most about? Map out what that life of true service would be like.

Episode Resources

In this episode I mentioned some resources, including:

[reminder]What other tools have you found that help you find your why? [/reminder]

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Your Feedback

If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me.

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[reminder]What have you discovered about your why? Does it excite you?  [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

Learn more on this topic

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  1. Pete Okoh

    The information in this podcast is something that people have been waiting to hear their whole career. We’ve all been taught to think one way. Corporate mumbo jumbo. I’m ready to change my thinking. Thanks Dale.

  2. Dale Callahan

    Thanks Pete! I agree – we have been taught to think one way – which has SOME benefits – but so powerful and freeing to realize you are in a box and you can just step out.

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