Kary Oberbrunner from Day Job to Dream Job

068: Day Job to Dream Job | Interview with Kary Oberbrunner [Podcast]

by | Aug 5, 2014 | 0 comments

I remember getting up on Monday morning with a sense of dread. I was going to work and hated every minute of it. I was stuck in a day job. I would wonder, “How had I gotten here?” After my great education from a top engineering school, I was suddenly stuck in a mundane, boring, and yet very stressful day job. How could I get from my day job to my dream job? What was my dream job? To help YOU answer those question, today, I bring you Kary Oberbrunner, the author of the new book Day Job to Dream Job.

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Day Job to Dream Job

In this discussion with Kary, we talk about his journey from day job to dream job. Kary shares his passion for the problem and the solution.

For instance, if you feel in prison at your job (like I did) you are not alone. Over 80% of the people in the industrialized world feel that way. Kary shares my passion for wanting to provide a help to those living a lifeless corporate existence and are ready and willing to make a change.

In his new book Day Job to Dream Job, Kary shares his 9 steps to break free.

  1. DESIGN Your Story – Your GPS Dictates Your Destination
  2. DESIGN Your Space – Your Experience Reflects Your Values
  3. DESIGN Your Service – Choose Your Solution, Then Your Service Style
  4. CREATE Your Platform – If You Want to be Heard, You Must be Seen
  5. CREATE Your Product – Products Increase Influence, Impact, and Income
  6. CREATE Your Promotion – Market before You Manufacture
  7. MAINTAIN Your Community – Every Dream Needs a Team
  8. MAINTAIN Your Clarity – Complexity Kills Clarity
  9. MAINTAIN Your Credibility – Success Is Found in Singularity


During the discussion, we talked around these topics, but we focused in on the first one.

  • Getting started is about crafting your message, your internal GURU. Kary calls it your GPS, or your Guru Positioning Story.
  • Getting clarity about who you are and what you offer is one of the hardest parts. But without clarity, you have confusion.
    “Clarity attracts. Confusion repels.”]
  • Why we must market before we manufacture.
  • When you make a choice, you have to give up something. As John Maxwell puts it, “You must give up to go up.”
  • “The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents.” C.G. Jung
“The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents. – C.G. Jung”]
Want to get Kary’s New Book?

Product Creation Coaching

By request of many of you, I am finally offering a coaching plan to help you and a few others to define, design, and develop an information product. This coaching will last 8-weeks, and we will meet weekly – most likely on Tuesday nights at 7PM CST over the web. This coaching will be limited to a small number of participants, helping each to:

  1. Define products and services you can easily offer.
  2. Define the market for your products.
  3. Begin the product creation plan using tools you already own (no investment in new tools needed)
  4. Testing ideas and titles.
  5. Releasing and marketing the product so others can learn about it and you can get paid.

Reserve your spot now for Product Creation Coaching: Make Money While You Sleep

In case you missed my webinar on “How to Create Your First Information Product in 30 Days”, you can now see the replay here!

“Product Creation Coaching – Make money while you sleep”]


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If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me.

Also, if you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks.

[reminder]Are you one of the 80% who feel stuck? What are you going to do about it? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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