069: Four Reasons to Grow Your Personal Brand [Podcast]

by | Aug 12, 2014 | 0 comments

I am the kind of person you likes to hide. I would rather not have myself out there to be seen by all. I would rather do my job and go home. (Or at least that is how I was.) The idea of developing a personal brand has always felt like me selling myself, and a little slimy. But, I am now discovering that it is not slimy, but many of those who are preaching the need for a personal brand make it slimy. So, I want to take some time over the next few weeks to talk about your personal brand – why you need it and how to develop it. But first, why should you care.

Branding Irons – Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons – Tracey Adams[/featured-image]

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Being Off the Grid (web) is Ridiculous

Many people, especially IT types, tell me they are ”off the grid,” meaning that I will not learn anything about them by searching on the web for their name. While that sounds like a good idea, the truth is they have limited their opportunities. Unless I am hiring certain kinds of work, I would not want to hire someone who is “off the grid”.  Face it, hiring people is scary. I want to know as much about them as possible before I invest time and money. So for me and most of the rest of the world, off the grid is also off the list.

Four Reasons to Grow Your Personal Brand

  1. They will Find You – Grow Your network without Effort
    Hate networking and those awkward introductions? If you have expertise or knowledge in a particular area, people will reach out to you. For instance, I have talked often about introverts, especially as related to networking. Recently a group who was looking to develop a program around introverts reached out to me for help. A network and people I would have never met on my own.  “If you have a personal brand, opportunities will find you. “]
  2. You Will Be Searched
    Have you been Googled lately? I bet you have. If you are meeting new people, going on an interview, or are talking to someone for any reason, they have probably googled you. It seems almost every time I meet someone new, they know a lot about me and my opinion about certain issues. But, sometimes we are just trying to find a photo of a person we are going to meet so we  can avoid asking everyone in the room “Are you Mark?” But if you are interviewing for a job or even looking at a volunteer opportunity, they will seek you out on the web via a search. And, even if your name is not found in the normal places on Google, it can be found in other paid searches which are used by employers. As much as you can, you need to control what information is out there.  “You will be googled – you need to control the brand they find. “]
  3. Credibility
    While we cannot believe what we read on the Internet (or anywhere else for that matter), we can use social proof to understand how much something or someone is accepted. For instance, if I search for you on LinkedIn and find that you have a massive amount of recommendations, some from my contacts, your credibility just took off in my book. It does not mean I trust it without my own investigation, but it does offer “social proof” that you are legitimate. “Your personal brand can offer social proof to your abilities.”]
  4. Finding Opportunity
    In the end, your brand should do like any other brand, bring you income. I have said it many times, every opportunity in life comes through other people. As your brand attracts people, opportunities are coming your way. Opportunities to work, to start new ventures, and sometimes just to serve your fellow man.  “The bigger your brand, the bigger your opportunities. “]

Product Creation Coaching

By request of many of you, I am finally offering a coaching plan to help you and a few others to define, design, and develop an information product. This coaching will last 8-weeks, and we will meet weekly – most likely on Tuesday nights at 7PM CST over the web. This coaching will be limited to a small number of participants, helping each to:

  1. Define products and services you can easily offer.
  2. Define the market for your products.
  3. Begin the product creation plan using tools you already own (no investment in new tools needed)
  4. Testing ideas and titles.
  5. Releasing and marketing the product so others can learn about it and you can get paid.

Reserve your spot now for Product Creation Coaching: Make Money While You Sleep

In case you missed my webinar on “How to Create Your First Information Product in 30 Days”, you can now see the replay here!

“Product Creation Coaching – Make money while you sleep”]


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[reminder]How is your online brand? [/reminder]

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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