How to Recognize and Overcome Fear

152: How to Recognize and Overcome Fear [Podcast]

by | Dec 3, 2019 | 0 comments

How do you recognize and overcome fear? Fear plays a dominate part of most lives. But success often is found on the other side of fear. 

How to Recognize and Overcome Fear (Podcast Outline)

  • What fear really looks like
    • Excuses
    • Procrastination
    • Perfectionism – Seth Godin –  SHIP IT.
  • What it feels like
    • Panic attack
    • Frozen (not like the song or movie)
  • What drives fear
    • Danger – Reality 
    • Ego and Pride
  • How to get past the fear
    • Consistent actions- Daily
    • Drive through fear – not around  

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Dale Callahan

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