Use Your Curiosity to Market Yourself on the Job

183: Use Your Curiosity to Market Yourself on the Job [Podcast]

by | Jul 7, 2020 | 0 comments

Use your curiosity to market yourself.


Asking questions makes you look like you care and it also gives you the opportunity to connect with others – letting them share their expertise with you.

In other words, you are asking people to tell you about what they do. And, per the book How to Win Friends and Influence People – this is a powerful tool to get people to like you.

So how do you do it?

Use Your Curiosity to Market Yourself on the Job

1. Learn How Things Work at Work 

The result is that you connect with people and expand your presence at work. Learn about where the processes flow. As your team hands-off work, where does it go next?

2. Find People Doing Interesting Things at Work

Just exploring because you are interested. Makes you known by others and add value. This is especially useful in large companies. For example, if in engineering, be curious about what the real estate division does. Ask questions, get a tour, go to lunch.

3. Show Up at Meetings You Might Otherwise Miss

Showing up in larger meetings – especially when the top people will be there – is a great way to be seen. Being hidden means being forgotten.

4. Be Really Curious about Customers

Customers who are already paying your company are a ripe area to find new work. Be part of the sales team by asking those customers you interface with questions. Learn about their problems and challenges so you can find new ways your company can serve them.

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Dale Callahan

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