202: College? There Has Got to Be a Better Way [Podcast]

202: College? There Has Got to Be a Better Way [Podcast]

A conversation I often have with parents is something like this:   "College? There Has Got to Be a Better Way". College is like a money pit and does not offer such a powerful tool to create wealth and security as perhaps it did. In fact, if chosen poorly, it generates...

200: My Most Popular Podcast Episodes [Podcast]

200: My Most Popular Podcast Episodes [Podcast]

My Most Popular Podcast Episodes tell a story. The story is not about me, but more about you. What topics catch your attention? What are you most interested in hearing from me? What are you struggling with? Where do you want answers or insight? My Most Popular Podcast...

174: Grow Your Own Company of One [Podcast]

174: Grow Your Own Company of One [Podcast]

Ready to grow your own company of one. Since the title of this podcast is Company of One, many of you are asking lately, "What do I mean by the "company of one?" So today, I want to help you understand this concept and grow your own Company of One. Why? It will help...

163: Finding Your Path After 30 [Podcast]

163: Finding Your Path After 30 [Podcast]

Finding your path after 30 has some unique challenges. College is just a memory. You have a good career. You have a family. But when you look around at what you do and what comes next - you might be yearning for some direction. The words I hear so often are, "I want...

145: Does it Matter Where You Go to School? [Podcast]

145: Does it Matter Where You Go to School? [Podcast]

Where you go to school matters - right?  With all the attention to college acceptance bribery cases involving actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman, we might think that it really matters where you go to school. After all, why would they pay a ton of money if...

Overcoming the Fear of Making Mistakes at Work

Overcoming the Fear of Making Mistakes at Work

Do you have a fear of making mistakes at work? I was talking to a friend not long ago who happens to be a counselor. I was unloading to him about work issues - I forget the details - and he called me a perfectionist. Have you ever been told that you are a...

The Dim Future of Higher Education

The Dim Future of Higher Education

Headed to a university near you - Disruption. But not in the way you might expect. Most believe it will be the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that forever changes the landscape of higher education - but something much more close to all of us will be the demise....

How I Developed Clear Expectations with My PhD Students

How I Developed Clear Expectations with My PhD Students

I opened the email, dreading what I was about to read. I knew the writer of the email well, but I also knew he was about to suck the life out of me. What he wanted me to do was to serve as his Ph.D. committee chair. But, I knew it would mean a lot of time, a lot of...

Do You Want to Be a Leader?

Do You Want to Be a Leader?

Do you want to be a leader? Almost everyone who starts in our Master in Engineering Management program wants a position in leadership. They are usually seeking leadership in their current company, but many are looking to other companies. Most are eyeing an...

Freedom or Guilt

Freedom or Guilt

I think I was brainwashed by the system. I am sitting on my front porch at 10 am writing this article, and I feel as if I am doing something wrong. Shouldn't I be in a stuffy office under fluorescent lights 2+ hours into my work day? Shouldn't I have driven to the...

021: How to Get a PhD [Podcast]

021: How to Get a PhD [Podcast]

Have you ever considered a PhD? Recently I have found myself answering a lot of questions from those considering how they too can put "doctor" in their title. Photo courtesy of Commons[/featured-image] I tell people the magic to getting the PhD is...

Education at Work

Education at Work

[guestpost]This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of my book Resumes are Worthless. Hope you enjoy! [/guestpost] Twelve years of school. This is where most of us really start our careers. In theory, those twelve years of basic education prepare us for the world of work....

Does it Pay to Get a PhD?

Ever thought of getting a PhD? Wonder if it is worth it or not? Recently I have been asked this very question several times. They want to know my view on the PhD process. Some are wanting a PhD for personal reasons, but everyone wants to know "Does it pay to have a...