Crush It!

by | Nov 17, 2009 | 0 comments

Many of you have been asking me for a recommended reading list for entrepreneurs – which I am working on. But I wanted to go ahead and highlight one new release which I love. The book is Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk. In case you do not know Gary, he is the Wine Library TV guy. You might have seen him on one of many popular TV shows such as Conan, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, etc.  Gary has been explaining wine to the common man for sometime over his video blog posts.

Crush It!

But, his book Crush It! is not about wine – it is about making your passion pay! He blatantly reminds us (he is never subtle) to never do work we hate – instead find what we love and then do what we love for a living. Gary tells you how he grew his wine business (the storefront wine business) and then how he expanded the business to become a celebrity and an expert in social media marketing.

Unlike many books and programs on social media and doing work we love, Gary is very honest. He explains his work habits – which is WORK HARD. No promises of a few hours per week to develop riches here. He is very real, but very encouraging at the same time. In fact, I am betting his step-by-step action plan in chapter ten really works. Duh – of course it does – he is living proof of it!

If you are into social media marketing then you will love this book. If you are in corporate America trapped in a dead end career – his words should hit home. If you are looking to get rich without hard work – you will hate his book.

Me, I love it and highly recommend it.

Read it yourself  and tell me if YOU like it – and why. After all – the whole book is only 142 pages!

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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